Maren Rozumalski

Book and Paper Conservation


This case-binding came to me needing the hinges of its case repaired, the spine-linings replaced, and then the textblock and case reassembled.


The first thing I did was remove the old, broken spine linings and adhesive. I removed as much as I could mechanically, but the textblock was sewn together with little more than thread–I was worried it would break, so I quickly moved on to a Methylcellulose poultice.


Here is the textblock after its cleaning.


The sewing was very loose, so I decided to sew tapes on over the existing sewing. This consolidated the textblock and would also serve as the board re-attachment.


Next, I turned my attention to repairing the case. First up was color matching and toning heavy-weight Japanese tissue to match the book cloth.

The tissue I toned is on the right of the spine-piece, the left is the cloth on the boards.


This is the finished case.


I added a spine stiffener before doing the turn-ins.


The only thing left to do was reunite the cover and textblock.To do this, I slit the boards were the tapes needed to be, inserted the them with wheat starch paste and let them dry under weight, pasted down the lifted portion of the paste-down, and covered the joint wth a strip of Japanese tissue.

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